Always Alive

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Project Details

A decentralized way to send funds to a next of kin without the need for a middleman. Users have to validate life before their confirmation counts exceed 5, the protocol transfers all deposited funds to next of kin address when this happens.

Here is the link to the verified Always Alive contract address on Polygon Mumbai Network:

Tech Stack

  1. Chainlink VRF
    Chainlink provides the protocol with verifiable random numbers which are used to determine a random kin that wins 90% of the accrued yield from AAVE.
  2. Chainlink Automation
    Chainlink Automation handles smart contract automation on some functions:
    • incrementConfirmations: Increments the confirmations of all users every 3 hours
    • bless: Transfers AAVE yield to a random kin every 6 hours.
    • inherit: Pays out deposit to kin when user validationOfLife is false (Runs every 12 hours).
    • requestRandomness: Interacts with the deployed VRFConsumer contract to request random words. Called 3 hours before the bless function.
  3. AAVE

    The Always Alive contract supplies all deposited funds to AAVE to earn yield. 90% of the generated interest is sent to a random kin every 6 hours.

    The AAVE Testnets do not support withdraws so the inheritance is gone the moment it is deposited to AAVE. So I improvised this by sending the inheritance from the contract balance, I will also periodically send MATIC to the contract so it always has liquidity for paying Kins.

  4. Next.JS
    The Frontend is built using Next.JS
  5. Hardhat
    Used Hardhat to develop the solidity smart contracts.
  6. RainbowKit and Wagmi
    Helpful open-source projects for easily reading and writing to the blockchain, and also provided an easy-to-use Connect Button.